

Join honours education at another university!

Are you a student at Leiden University, TU Delft or Erasmus University Rotterdam and do you want to know what programmes and courses the other LDE universities have in store for you? Then you have come to the right place!

The advantages of honours education at a glance:

1. You collaborate with students from other studies and universities.
2. You learn about solving pressing social issues.
3. You get to work on challenges faced by organisations in practice. 
4. You gain new knowledge, skills and perspectives.
5. You follow your curiosity, discover what you like and what you are good at.

Honours education at LDE universities

Below you find an overview of honours education that is open to students of all three LDE universities. In brackets you find the study load and the hosting university. The Sustainability and Space programmes are jointly organised by the universities through the LDE Alliance. 

Please note: in addition to the programmes below, each university offers honours education that’s only available to the students studying there. Check out your website at Leiden, Delft or Erasmus to discover what other honours programmes you can apply for.

Bachelor: programmes 

Bachelor: separate courses and projects 



Master: programmes 

Master: separate courses and projects 


Would you like to know the answer to the questions below?

  • How does enrolment at another LDE university work?
  • What happens to credits I earn at another LDE university?
  • Who can I turn to with questions about LDE honours education?

We answer them in detail for you on the FAQ page!

Click here for the FAQ page about LDE honours education