Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities works together with a large group of organisations, ranging from partners of LDE centres to caseholders for thesis labs. Would you like to work with researchers, lecturers and students in a multidisciplinary context, on societal issues? Get in touch with the LDE centres, thesis labs and the thesis hub.
LDE collaborates with the following organisations, among others, through teaching assignments, partnerships, regional collaborations and administrative involvement:
- Aethos
- Airbus
- Alrijne
- ArianeGroup
- Asian Development Bank
- Bestuurlijk Platform Groene Hart
- Blue City
- Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
- Circulair West
- Collins Aerospace
- CoP Plastics
- Cultural Heritage Agency
- Erasmus Medisch Centrum
- European Space Agency
- Gemeente Leiden
- Gemeente Westland
- Glastuinbouw Nederland
- Greenport West Holland
- Haag Wonen
- HagaZiekenhuis
- Johnson & Johnson
- Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum
- Netherlands Aerospace Centre
- NL Space Campus
- Nuvoni
- Polderlab
- Port Authority and Control Center Scheveningen
- Port of Rotterdam
- Provincie Zuid-Holland
- Rabobank
- Reinier de Graaf
- Rijkswaterstaat
- Sophia Kinderziekenhuis
- Space Business Innovation Centre Noordwijk
- SPADES-Groene Hart project in collaboration with Deltares
- SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research
- Staedion
- Techniek Nederland
- Those Vegan Cowboys
- Van Straten Medical
- Veenweiden Innovatiecentrum
- Vluchtelingenwerk
- Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten
- World Horti Centre
- Zilveren Kruis