Thesis programmes

Students can participate in interdisciplinary thesis initiatives at several LDE centers and programmes during their graduation phase, such as The Hague Southwest Thesis Project and Interdisciplinary Thesis Labs. Through these programmes they will come into contact with external stakeholders regarding a social challenge. Students work on their individual thesis while following an additional programme with speakers, skills training and exchanging expertise with students from different study programmes at the three universities. 

The Leiden-Delft-Erasmus thesis programmes are multidisciplinary and open to all students of Leiden University, TU Delft and Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Sustainability Interdisciplinary Thesis LabsZonnepanelen

In the Thesis Labs organized by the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Sustainability teams of students work on a sustainability challenge, set by an external organizationa company or governmental organization. Students participate in a special program (six months) and meet professionals and academic experts, follow workshops, lectures and join excursions. They learn from other students, confront ideas and exchange methodologies. And they write their master thesis, meanwhile creating an interdisciplinary result for the challenge students all work on together. This interdisciplinary program includes all relevant disciplines, such as: natural sciences, social sciences, engineering, design, law, health, economics, management, humanities and philosophy.

Read more on the website of the LDE Centre for Sustainability

The Hague Southwest Thesis ProjectDen Haag Zuidwest

The Hague Southwest Thesis Project will be organized by the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre Governance of Migration and Diversity.  It is an educational platform where various master's students from Leiden University, TU Delft, and Erasmus Rotterdam conduct research from various disciplines in response to formulated practice-based challenges by, among others, the municipality of The Hague, projects in The Hague Southwest and its residents. 

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