OMHE Programme
21 May 2019
Tuesday 21 May 2019
12:00 - 12:45 Walk-in with coffee & lunch - Foyer of the Erasmus Pavilion
12:45 - 12:50 Welcome - Erasmus Pavilion Theatre
12:50 - 13:00 Official Opening by Kristel Baele, President of the Board of Erasmus University Rotterdam
13:00 - 13:40 Keynote: Unibuddy - Sense of Belonging and Peer-to-peer - Erasmus Pavilion Theatre
13:50 - 14:30 Round 1: Break-out sessions
Kim Stolk – Mandeville gebouw (zaal T3-10)
Marieke van der Weiden –Erasmus paviljoen
Kris Stabel/Mirjam van de Woerdt – CLI (Polak)
Eveline Braber – Mandeville gebouw (zaal T3-16)
14:30 - 15:00 Break: Coffee and tea - Foyer of the Erasmus Pavilion
15:00 - 15:40 Round 2: Break-out sessions
Simone Marks/Simon Blok – Mandeville gebouw (zaal T3-10)
Nathan de Groot – Mandeville gebouw (zaal T3-16)
Studentpanel – Erasmus Paviljoen (theater)
Sean van der Steen – Mandeville gebouw (zaal T3-02)
15:40 - 15:55 Short break
15:55 - 16:00 Welcome back - Erasmus Pavilion Theatre
16:00 - 16:40 Keynote: Growth Tribe - Growth Hacking - Power Session - Erasmus Pavilion Theatre
16:40 - 16:50 Musical Wrap up by: Maud Wilms - Erasmus Pavilion Theatre
16:50 - 17:00 Closing and Thank you's
17:00 - ... Drinks
13:00 - 13:40 Unibuddy - Forget university rankings, a sense of belonging is the biggest factor in university choice
How to harness peer-to-peer throughout the student journey.
Research shows that speaking to other students has the most influence on a prospect’s university choice. With over 20 years’ experience in marketing and student recruitment, Jonathan Tinnacher will discuss how peer-to-peer engagement allows you to harness the authentic voice of your ambassadors - and the impact on your digital marketing strategy, all supported with data insights from the 500,000+ conversations that Unibuddy has facilitated so far. Colleagues from Erasmus University will discuss their experiences and guide you through how digital peer-to-peer connections can transform the student journey, inform your marketing strategy and reinforce your brand.
About Unibuddy
Connect. Belong. Succeed.
Unibuddy helps students thrive through sharing their experiences, effortless technology and the smart application of data.
Together, the platform and student ambassadors provide an outlet for an institution’s authentic voice, a ready stream of content, and a deeper insight into the market’s motivations.
Working with 120+ institutions across the world, Unibuddy’s partners have seen the platform optimise conversion throughout the student application cycle, from lead generation all the way through to enrolment.
16:00 - 16:40 Growth Tribe - Growth Hacking - Power Session
Sarah Bacom - Growth Hacking Trainer at Growth Tribe
Utilising her background in research methodologies and sociological studies, Sarah has spent the past five years working with NGOs, start ups and social enterprises using these techniques to produce striking awareness and acquisition experiments that have been picked up by organisations such as the BBC. With her insight into the struggles socially responsible startups face, she works to showcase how growth hacking can be used as a force for good, and continuously looks for ways in which she can help turn people's ideas into experiments.
Growth Hacking - Power Session
Building products isn’t enough. Marketing channels are saturated. Rapid Experimentation and Growth Marketing skills help you beat the competition and keep growing! Growth comes from a mix of behavioural psychology, coding, creative marketing and data analysis. Having spent the last couple of years building, coaching and training regiments of growth teams and growth marketers, in this talk I'll run you through some of the latest stories, learnings and tricks we've learned along the way. A brief but information-packed power session covering the process, mindset and tools that will help you on your journey towards a more consumer centric, experiment- and data-driven organisation.
Round 1: Breakout sessions
13:50 - 14:30
Kim Stolk – Masterclass Visual Storytelling (in English) - T3-10
Kim Stolk is a lecturer and researcher at the department of Communication Studies at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. Due to her work experience and her field of research, Kim has a specialisation in content strategy and storytelling. She is passionate about sharing her expertise in lectures, masterclasses and workshops. Kim got a Master's Degree in Media and Journalism (EUR).
In her Masterclass Visual Storytelling, Kim will share the musthaves and nice-to-haves of a strong social media story. She also gives useful tips and tools to create an online visual story yourself.
Marieke van der Weiden (TRUUS. brand) - FEED THE PEOPLE! Not the brand. (in Dutch) - Erasmus Pavilion Theatre
TRUUS. is movement. Wat begon als een alias voor een column, groeide uit tot een joggingpakkenlabel wat landelijk in De Bijenkorf verkocht. TRUUS. staat bekend om haar guerrilla-acties voor gemeente Rotterdam en de sociaal-culturele sector en heeft zich inmiddels op de Uitvaart van de Toekomst gestort. TRUUS. is een mensenmerk.
In deze lezing een blik op haar vernuftige marketingsysteem en hoe dat voor eigenlijk elk merk zou kunnen werken. Feed the people, not the brand.
Kris Stabel/Mirjam van de Woerdt – Create your own story in the Erasmus Education Lab & Studio - Polak building
Take a look at the brand-new Education Lab and the hyper-modern studios. This is where all the magic happens concerning online education, such as MOOCs, webcasts, lecture clips, interviews, talkshows etc. Receive a few tips & tricks from our online professionals and a persuasive communication trainer, write your script and record your own story together with a colleague in the state-of-the-art, IP-based recording studio. Get to know the Do-It-Yourself recording booths or get inspired by the Community for Learning & Innovation.
This session will be limited to 12 attendees because of the personal approach.
Eveline Braber – Your students as social media influencers – a pilot - T3-16
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) is doing a pilot project with Instagram nano-influencers. These Instagram ambassadors are RSM students with a good reputation and a reasonable amount of followers on this popular medium. What should you consider before getting started? How do you cooperate with the group? And what type of content seems to work? Eveline will share RSM’s experiences and some do’s and don’ts for higher education marketeers interested in getting started with influencer marketing.
Eveline Braber is Digital Marketing and Communications Officer at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). She is intrigued by the power of internal and external communities within a university’s (online) communication strategy. She started the RSM nano-influencers pilot project together with Georgiana Carp and Reyhaan King.
Round 2: Breakout sessions
15:00 - 15:40
Simone Marks/ Simon Blok – Hoe persoonlijk kan je zijn? Inzet van Personal video in de Student journey (in Dutch) - T3-10
Tijdens deze sessie krijg je een inkijkje in de Student journey Voltijd die de Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen in kaart heeft gebracht. Hoe krijg je inzicht in klantbeleving, hoe stel je prioriteiten bij het optimaliseren van de journey? En hoe zorg je dat een ontmoeting memorabel is? Vervolgens zoomen we in op het project Personal Video, een van de gekozen oplossingen waarbij de HAN 10000 aanmelders persoonlijke hulp biedt en alle startende studenten verwelkomt. Storyteq neemt je mee in de mogelijkheden van data-driven video creatie. Je gaat naar huis met een stukje kennis en inspiratie op het gebied van customer journey mapping en de inzet van dynamische video. Daarnaast krijg je tips voor succesvolle implementatie.
Simone Marks is als marketing- en communicatieadviseur verantwoordelijk voor de voorlichting en werving voor de Voltijd opleidingen bij de HAN. Simon Blok is als accountmanager verantwoordelijk voor blije klanten ☺. Samen met klanten werkt hij aan creëren van 9+ momenten binnen de customer journey. Door dynamische video in te zetten op het juiste moment, naar de juiste groep, met de juiste boodschap op het juiste kanaal.
Nathan de Groot – Powerpoint Karaoke - T3-16
Upgrade your speaker skills with this refreshing workshop of PowerPoint Karaoke by Nathan de Groot. Expect tips and tricks, unexpected slides and feedback which will make you grow as a speaker. Nathan has extensive experience in training groups and is a PowerPoint Karaoke King, so you will be in good hands. Join in and be surprised by how much fun this can become.
Student Panel - Keeping up with Students - Erasmus Pavilion Theatre
Want to know more about what interests current students? What social media channels they use and why? Which channels they ditched and which ones they joined recently? Do they skip the feed and only look through stories? What motivates them? What sort of campaigns they respond to and why? This is your opportunity to find out more about the fascinating gen Z! Aleksandra Stuip, Online Marketing Adviser at Erasmus School of Economics, will lead the panel discussion and make sure all your urgent questions are answered.
Sean van der Steen – Feed the freelancer – Images in news items - T3-02
Yes, mobile phones have made photographers and filmmakers of all of us, but some jobs are better left to the professionals. How do you get your objectives across to a freelance photographer or filmmaker? What makes for a good brief? Film editor Sean van der Steen (Leiden University) tells you how!