The Erasmus University Rotterdam will organize an online minor event on Thursday 24 March 2022. At this event, there will be informative sessions on the different multidisciplinary Leiden-Delft-Erasmus minors.
Would you like to have a broad orientation or are you curious about a specific minor? Then you can ask your questions about the minors you are interested in during the online minor event on Thursday 24 March. Between 10:00 am and 4:45 pm, several Q&A sessions will be offered via Zoom. The sessions last half an hour. You can register directly for the Q&A session by clicking on the minor name. You can find more information about all the minors that are offered next year here.
Be advised: registration for this minor event is possible until Wednesday 23 March at 13h00.
If you are unable to attend your presentation of interest at this minor event, you have the opportunity to attend it at Leiden University or TU Delft's minor markets. Please find the overview of LDE minor presentations here.