Healthy Minds festival and launch of the Healthy Society program

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Provinciehuis, Zuid-Holland

On Monday, 14 October, from 12:30-18:30, the Healthy Minds Festival will take place. This event brings together people from municipalities, knowledge institutions, the GGD, housing associations and the business community, all committed to health. Because if we want a healthy society together, it is important that we know each other. Are you coming too? Sign up now!

During the festival, the province of South Holland will present the Health and Wellbeing programme, with a special focus on the themes of food, a healthy living environment and how the province is committed to this. We will then enter into a conversation with journalist and writer Teun van de Keuken, urban planner Marianne Lefever and professor of health policy Jessica Kiefte-de Jong, Leiden University, about their views on food and a healthy living environment, and consider the question: who is up to the task of promoting the health of South Hollands inhabitants?


Afterwards, you can actively engage in one of our many workshops. How can you reach young people effectively within your field? How do you introduce a healthy lunch culture in your company? How do you create a healthy school environment? What are the best strategies for healthy urbanisation? How can you work with residents to come up with ideas that promote the health of a neighbourhood? 

Healthy Society programme presentation

We conclude with the launch of the Healthy Society programme, a collaboration of Medical Delta, Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities (LDE) and the universities of applied sciences. Annetje Ottow, president of LDE, gives the kick-off. We then experience together what science can do for the inhabitants of South Holland.

Together, we will make South Holland a healthier place for everyone. Let's meet at the festival!

Dutch spoken. Free entrance.


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