Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Global

LDE Global Fund

LDE Global Support invites members of the academic community of the LDE Universities to submit new proposals for funding. The first round of consideration and evaluation of 2025 will take place in spring. Deadline to submit proposals: March 1, 2025

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About the LDE Global Fund
Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities support initiatives which aim at co-creation of research or other programmes between faculty members of the LDE-universitites and scholars and scientists from 'majority world countries' in Africa, South- and Southeast-Asia and Latin-America. Groups of scholars and scientists could receive a financial contribution of up to €25,000 to co-create research and/or other programmes and/or organise joint LDE-Majority World seminars, workshops, summer schools or other activities.

They need to meet the following conditions:

  1. Convincing two-pager (max. 800 words) on the intended interdisciplinary programme proposal and/or joint LDE-Majority World seminar, workshop, summer school or other activity. 
  2. If applicable, the details of potential private or public partners.
  3. The details of potential follow up activities in education, research development, and/or forms of impact.
  4. In line with the strategy for co-operation between the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities.
  5. Involvement of the three LDE-universities and partners from the majority world.
  6. Specific details of the desired form of support. In this, it is strongly recommended that the financial contribution be used to support the co-creation of research, education or other programmes and/or the organisation of joint LDE-Majority World seminars, workshops, summer schools or other activities. Time of LDE-faculty invested in the project will not be supported through this support programme.

Proposals for support from LDE Global Support can be submitted to the Dean of Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities Prof. Wim van den Doel. This should take the form of a proposal (max. 800 words) focusing on the above conditions by using the LDE Global Fund Application Form

Applicants will be informed within a month as to whether the proposal has been approved. The decision will be taken by the LDE Dean based on the advice of a committee. Members of the committee:

More information and contact:
LDE Global Support: David Wubs via wubs@iss.nl

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