‘The climate crisis is the greatest threat we face,’ says Leiden University environmental scientist Paul Behrens. ‘And yet, there is hope. In the near future, I…
On the 18th of April 2024 the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Education and Learning organised the 'Digital Education Research and Evidence' day. With over 100…
In living labs, municipalities, companies, and researchers experiment with smart technology and citizen participation in public spaces. This can result in…
A banker who puts making money second but still makes a profit. A farmer who stopped ploughing and using insecticides but who still achieves a good yield. An…
We’ve been gazing at the skies for thousands of years and have captured our amazement in beautiful verse. But what mechanisms create those wonderful cloudy…
Economist Dirk Schoenmaker wants to help solve our time’s most pressing issues. He works with ecologists and others and is prone to sacrificing economists’ most…
Increasingly, international guidelines are laying down expectations for companies to prevent adverse impacts on human rights and the environment in their global…
Lampposts that detect passersby, a 5G mobile network: quite often, residents are not at all keen on technological innovation in outdoor spaces. While they are…
In 2050, the world will look very different from today. LDE professors Carola Hein and Peter Scholten reflect on the role of cities, ports and the transitions…