Leiden City of Science 2022

leiden 2022

In 2022, Leiden will host the Euroscience Open Forum, Europe's biggest multidisciplinary scientific meeting. Leiden University, the Municipality of Leiden and The Hague Convention Bureau joined forces to organise the conference and bring it to Leiden.

European City of Science: a prestigious title that will be bestowed upon Leiden as it hosts ESOF 2022, the tenth edition of the largest biennial multidisciplinary science conference in Europe. 2022, therefore, promises to be a year in which Leiden will be the European knowledge platform and give the city and country a boost. The initiators of the program, Lucien Geelhoed and Meta Knol, tell us more about this.

   Leiden is deserving of the title. Leiden is home ot the oldest university in the Netherlands, and has a strong reputation worldwide.'

Meta Knol:' Leiden did not just receive the title, it rightly deserved it. Leiden is home to the oldest university in the Netherlands with a very good reputation worldwide. ' Lucien Geelhoed adds: 'The city of Leiden is ready for the European stage.' Knol continues: 'Leiden is a beautiful European city that is well worth a visit. In the twentieth century,  the city had to overcome the standstill of industry, which was its main economic engine. The city then underwent an enormous recovery process to continue to grow. Now it is time for the next phase. ' Find out more

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More information:
ESOF - Euroscience
Nieuwsartikel Universiteit Leiden over ESOF 2022
Leiden 2022 - City of Science