From Monday 24th to Thursday 27th of August 2020 the Centre for Global Heritage and Development will organise a summer school about museums and the sustainable development goals.
We will visit different museums to learn what their contribution is to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. The SDGs are more urgent than ever as the corona crisis has shown how fragile the foundations of our societal structures are. Many governments and organisations are actively working towards the fulfilment of these goals and especially museums have instigated exciting new developments and initiatives.

Each museum has its own approach and priorities, these will be presented and discussed by curators and other museum staff. Participants are also expected to participate actively through critical questions and discussion.
Given the current corona crisis and the lack of hands-on education, this summer school is both a stepping stone to the new academic year, an opportunity to network and of course a unique educational experience that is not offered by existing courses.