The second quantum revolution is in full swing, bringing all kinds of new technologies to within reach, and offering many opportunities as well as challenges…
A longstanding, intensive collaboration exists between the research groups of physicists Sense Jan van der Molen (LION, Leiden University) and Herre van der…
On 16 February the Netherlands-Flemish Accreditation Organisation (NVAO) accredited the Master's degree in Quantum Information Science & Technology (QIST). With…
Not so very long ago, quantum mechanics was a playground for fundamental physics research only. Now, with the first quantum computers and the quantum internet…
In Leiden, light particles march into Wolfgang Löffler’s experiments one by one. His research focuses on acquiring the fundamental knowledge needed to develop…
Sander Otte loves playing around with atoms. In his lab in Delft, his team patiently shifts atoms on the boundary between the quantum world and our own. 'You…