Bijeenkomst LDE Klimaat en Biodiversiteit - Green Village

Start date
End date
Green Village, Van Den Broekweg 4, 2628 CR Delft

The first LDE meeting Climate & Biodiversity is a fact! Existing initiatives, key figures from the three universities and external partners are brought together, including Province of Zuid-Holland, Climate Action Programme Delft and Leiden Biodiversity Network.

The aim is to get to know each other and the existing projects better, formulate joint themes and content lines, and explore opportunities for concrete inter- and transdisciplinar collaborations.  Want to think along?

For whom

Policymakers, scientists, practitioners and other interested parties dealing with the intersection of climate and biodiversity. Participation is by invitation. A link to register can be sent contacting us via e-mail (find details below).

The meeting is organised by the LDE Climate & Biodiversity initiative, a collaboration of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities. 

green villageProgram

10:30 – 11.00         Walk-in + coffee/tea

11.00 – 11.15         Opening and introduction: Wim van den Doel (dean LDE), Joran and Annelot

11.15 – 12.15         Who does what where?

12.15 – 13.00         Lunch break

13.00 – 14.00         Who does what where?

14.00 – 14.15         Break

14.15 – 16.15         Open Space Session by Lorentz Center 

                                  "Biodiversity and Climate crises: Filling the Bucket with Interdisciplinary Research and Education Ideas"

16:15 – 17.00        Network drinks

For more information on the new Climate and Biodiversity initiative or if you would like to become part of the network, please contact Joran Lammers, Leiden University, e-mail: or Annelot Broerze, TU Delft, e-mail:

Download the white paper 'Verbind Klimaat en Biodiversiteit' (in Dutch) or read all articles in English via this webpage.




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